Supraspinatus Tendinitis / Tear (Rotator Cuff Tendinitis)
The supraspinatus tendon is often the tendon that is injured in a rotator cuff injury although not always. It usually starts with tendinitis - often fraying begins to occur as the tendon thickens and rubs against the acromion or a tear results from an extreme stress. Tears often occur gradually, though many are associated with sports injuries (especially baseball and swimming), falls on the shoulder, or an added injury due to shoulder dislocation in elderly folk. If you've ever been diagnosed with bursitis, it's possible the supraspinatus tendon is the true source of your pain, not the shoulder bursa. In this case, the pain does not resolve with typically prescribed anti-inflammatory medications.
The rotator cuff is a term given to four main tendons that wrap around the shoulder joint, the supraspinatus tendon being the tendon coming off the shoulder blade in the top portion.
Rotator cuff tendonitis (also spelled tendinitis) and tears often occur gradually, though many are associated with sports injuries (especially baseball and swimming), falls on the shoulder, or an added injury due to shoulder dislocation in elderly folk. If you've ever been diagnosed with bursitis, it's possible the supraspinatus tendon is the true source of your pain, not the shoulder bursa. In this case, the pain does not resolve with typically prescribed anti-inflammatory medications.
Symptoms of a Supraspinatus Tendon Tear
The supraspinatus is the most commonly injured tendon in the rotator cuff. You might be suffering from a supraspinatus tear (or supraspinatus tendinitis) if:
- You have Pain in the shoulder when doing a repetitive shoulder activity that eventually becomes noticeable when the shoulder is at rest.
- You are experiencing Atrophy (loss of Range of Motion)or weakening of the tendons and muscles in the rotator cuff.
- You have pain that starts as a dull ache and progresses to a radiating pain from the shoulder, especially when sleeping.
- You have Sudden pain when reaching above the head or bringing the arm out to the side.
- You are experiencing Muscle spasm and weakness in the arm and shoulder area with limited range of motion.
- You are experiencing a crackling sensation may be felt as the condition worsens.
If you are experiencing any of those symptoms then you might have a supraspinatus tear injury. The location, type of tear and any other injuries in the joint can greatly influence your ability to recover from and heal your torn supraspinatus tendon.
If you've suffered a traumatic sudden injury to your shoulder, you may have heard a sudden popping sound or felt a tearing sensation in your shoulder. Swelling around your shoulder will happen within a few hours after the injury or in the following days. If the injury is severe enough, you may also have some bruising on your shoulder. Immediate, intense, pain will follow - especially when you try to raise, lower, or rotate your arm.
If your rotator cuff tear is big enough you might feel weakness (instability) in your shoulder. Over time this weakness will turn into a limited range of motion and inability to raise, lower, or rotate your arm - resulting in pain. At this point your rotator cuff injury would also be interfering with your sleep, causing pain and night and forcing you to wake up several times to adjust your sleeping position.
Degenerative rotator cuff tears are subtle with pain that increases over time. You may also notice swelling after exercise or daily activities. If you do have pain, you may experience something called 'trigger point pain' in your shoulder and possibly feel weakness / instability. Trigger point pain is pain that comes from a specific spot in your rotator cuff muscle that has become a hypersensitive area. These trigger points, or hypersensitive areas of pain, are known to be a source of on-going pain and lack of blood flow within the tissue. Pain may increase with certain activities, like raising your arm to reach for something off of a high shelf, brushing your hair or teeth, getting dressed, or reaching behind your back.
If you're suffering from a chronic rotator cuff injury you may have developed a sticking or freezing sensation in your arm. This freezing sensation (where mobility is completely reduced) may be a sign of another injury called frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis.
Other symptoms, like a crackling sensation (crepitus) in your shoulder, could be a sign of degenerative conditions in your arm. This may mean you are suffering from arthritis or osteoarthritis (especially is the crackling occurs with consistent snaps or pops).
What Causes a Supraspinatus Tear/Strain Injury?
Rotator cuff injuries are almost like a domino affect. As soon as one area of the tissue is damaged, other areas can get torn or strained as well. It's entirely possible to be suffering from a rotator cuff tendinitis tear injury, strained rotator cuff muscle and also develop a bone spur in your shoulder. A rotator cuff tear in the tendon or muscle could also lead to impingement syndrome (where your tendon or bursa gets caught between the bones in your shoulder). If left untreated, a rotator cuff tear injury can also lead to frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) - a shoulder joint injury that causes thickening of the shoulder joint capsule that basically 'freezes' your arm and shoulder in place (with an inability to move, raise, or lower your arm).
Anyone can injure their rotator cuff badly, though rotator cuff tears happen most often from sudden or traumatic accidents and overuse or repetitive stress. A fall, lifting or pulling an object that's too heavy, accident, or injury during a sporting activity can all cause sudden trauma to the rotator cuff. Athletes that play sports where they repeatedly use their arms in raised and lowered positions - such as baseball players, swimmers, tennis players, and football players - are often affected by rotator cuff tears.
It's much more likely for someone who is young to get a torn rotator cuff through an accident or sudden traumatic event. In comparison, overuse and repetitive movement injuries can affect everyone due to degeneration of their rotator cuff over time. As we age, our tissue ages too. The tissue in our rotator cuff starts to thin and break-down. Any repetitive or frequent movement can place stress on your rotator cuff over the years. Your shoulder can also suffer degenerative changes such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and/or cartilage thinning on the ends of the bones. This gradual wear and tear in your shoulder comes for overuse, repetitive shoulder movements, arm lifting / lowering / rotation with weight bearing activities. Degenerative changes to the shoulder happen slowly, so you may end up suffering with a rotator cuff tear from a simple daily activity. You need to be aware that this injury can happen to anyone and is not just isolated to athletes!
Supraspinatus Tendon Tear Risk Factors
Repetitive overhead movements without properly warming up (lifting object overhead for work, chopping wood, swinging a hammer, participating in sports such as volleyball, baseball, tennis and rowing) can cause the supraspinatus tendon to weaken over time making it more prone to a tear, tear, and rupture.
Because supraspinatus tendon injuries are often a result of overuse, people over 40 are at greater risk of degeneration and rotator cuff tears due to the body's natural weakening of the soft tissue over time.
Slouching your neck and shoulders forward can also cause excess stress on your supraspinatus tendon because the space for your tendon between the bones in your shoulder become smaller. This can lead to rotator cuff tendons becoming pinched by the bones in your shoulder.
Lack of strength to support the glenohumeral joint of your rotator cuff leads to a greater risk of incorrect movements. This can cause wear and tear on a tendon and weakening over time.
How Do I Diagnose a Torn Supraspinatus?
The best way to diagnose this condition is with a quick visit to the your doctor for a physical examination of your shoulder. Range of motion tests will be done to see how much movement has been lost in the shoulder.
Your doctor may also consider any previous shoulder injuries or joint stiffness that you may have had in the past. This will help the doctor to determine if you have a more complex injury in your shoulder and rule out any other rotator cuff injuries that may be present.
A set of range of motion and strength tests will be completed by the doctor including the Drop Arm Test. Your doctor will measure the number of degrees your arm can move when rotating. In the drop arm test, your doctor will ask you to put your arm out to the side and up towards your head. They will then ask you to move your arm back slowly to see if your arm will drop quickly on its' own because of a tear.
Your doctor may suggest diagnostic testing to obtain more detailed information, and assess the amount and/or type of damage done to your supraspinatus tendon. There are a variety of different tests available to help them analyze the situation; and the recommendation will be dependent on your injury. X-rays will provide an image of the overall bone structure of your shoulder. It's helpful in identifying abnormal bone shapes, fractures, arthritis, osteoarthritis, bone spurs or loose bones and bone abnormalities that may mimic a tear.
Other tests like a bone scan, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or blood tests may be done if an x-ray looks normal or the doctor is unsure whether you have a fracture. These tests will also rule out any infections of the bone or tissue and help to determine if you are suffering from other injuries like arthritis or osteoarthritis (degenerative damage).
If You Suspect You May Have A Supraspinatus Tear Or Other Tear In Your Rotator Cuff
- The first thing to do is speak with your doctor. Only your doctor can give you a proper diagnosis and from this, determine a course of proper treatment. Unless you need surgery to fix your torn tendon, your doctor will almost always recommend conservative treatment options - conservative treatment options for a rotator cuff tear typically means rest, ice the injury, elevate the injury and take anti-inflammatory medication.
- Second, if your doctor has decided that your injury can be treated with conservative treatment options, then you'll find that many of our customers have had great success treating themselves with our powerful conservative treatment product - Shoulder TShellz Wrap®.
- Or, if surgical intervention is required, talk with your doctor about using these same products for post-surgery recovery as you'll find them to be effective for reducing post-surgery inflammation, enhancing range of motion and reducing scar tissue growth. Keep in mind that the TShellz Wrap® should only be used a minimum of 6 weeks after surgery and once you have been assigned home stretching from your doctor or PT - basically not until at least 6 weeks after surgery)

Supraspinatus tears are known to be difficult to heal as the rotator cuff area in the shoulder is a very complicated arrangement of tissue in multiple layers. The rotator cuff is made up of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that form a 'cuff' attached to the upper arm bone (humerus), 'wing' bone (scapula), and collar bone (clavicle) in your shoulder. It is possible to get a tear in your rotator cuff that is actually a tear in a tendon (attachment point between muscle and bone), muscle, or ligament (tissue attaching bone to bone. Your tear could be located in the teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, subscapularis area of the tendons. It's also possible to get a tear in the coracoclavicular, acromioclavicular, coraco-acromial, coraco-humeral, transverse humeral, superior glenohumeral, middle glenohumeral or inferior-glenohumeral area of your ligaments.
Rotator cuff tears in a tendon or ligament receive very little natural blood supply. It's the lack of blood flow around your tear that makes rotator cuff injuries so hard to heal. Healing is tough no matter what course of treatment your doctor's suggesting - ice, heat, PT clinic sessions or surgery. It's no secret that all conservative treatment recommendations focus on trying to minimize further damange to allow the body to resuming healing of itself. Our TShellz Wraps® take conservative treatments one step further - they boost blood flow to allow your body to heal more quickly, thus minimizing re-injury and over-compensation risk.
Supraspinatus Tendon Re-Injury Should be Avoided
Constant re-injury (you know when it's happening, you can feel the pain) needs to be avoided at all costs. Obviously, it delays the healing process, but what's worse is that every re-injury and additional healing cycle increases the amount of scar tissue that builds up in and around your supraspinatus tear.
Scar tissue is hard, inflexible, and tough to get rid of. The more severe your supraspinatus injury is, the more likely that this scar tissue will fill into the tears in your supraspinatus, also attaching to all of the surrounding healthy tissue. This added scar tissue will restrict your ability to control the movement of your shoulder. Scar tissue also makes your supraspinatus much more prone to injury again later on. The more scar tissue that develops, the more you lose the range of motion in your entire shoulder joint.
Continuous re-injury and build-up of scar tissue while staying active means you'll have a greater chance of winding up with on-going pain, more tearing in your rotator cuff and tearing or weakening (atrophy) of surrounding tissue (ligaments, tendons, muscle).
If you have pain and inflammation in your shoulder, it's very important to heal your injury quickly and completely. You must avoid the build up of scar tissue. If you don't, your supraspinatus injury may plague you forever. This is why it's so important to continuously use conservative treatment tools to heal any recurring supraspinatus damage before it can build into something big. For any rotator cuff tear sufferer, having the right tools means all the difference.
"Over Compensation Pain" Needs to be Treated
Everything in the human body is connected. Any supraspinatus injury can lead to other injuries over time if not treated properly. You might start lifting with and using your opposite arm when performing normal daily activities, like brushing your teeth, brushing your hair, carrying or reaching for things. You may also try to rely on your opposite (healthy / stronger) shoulder and arm to get yourself back to work, activities or your sports sooner to avoid waiting for your supraspinatus injury to heal completely.
Many of our clients have experienced pain in the affected arm's elbow and their opposite elbow or shoulder because they shift their lifting weight and use to the opposite arm. For example, you might normally reach for items off of higher shelves with your right arm, but instead will use your left arm while your right arm heals. Even though changing something like this seems like a really small thing, changing the way you would normally reach and grab for things when your body isn't used to that can result in pain and injuries in your healthy arm.
Over time you'll notice that you automatically start to put more weight on your non-injured side to cope with everyday activities. When you experience pain on the opposite side of your body, this is something called "over compensation" pain. Usually the supraspinatus will get torn in your dominant shoulder (if you are right handed, this would be your right shoulder). When this happens there is a higher risk that you'll over-strain your weaker arm that's compensating for your injury, because it's just not as strong as your dominant side.
Circulation Boost (Circulatory Boost) is the best treatment available to deal with over compensation issues and injury prevention by maintaining healthy blood flow to your entire shoulder.
Even if you try to avoid over compensation pain in your healthy arm you're still at risk for re-injuring your damaged supraspinatus. Ignoring over compensation pain and the pain felt from your supraspinatus injury while returning to regular activities or your job can lead to even more problems with healing.
Supraspinatus Treatment
So here we are - you have determined that you have a tear or strain in your supraspinatus, and if you were reading carefully you know its important to:
- Minimize swelling
- Minimize scar tissue growth during the recovery process
- minimize your risk of re-injury
- reduce your risk of atrophy / minimize loss of range of motion
Many of these objectives go hand in hand (ie. the faster you heal, the less risk you have of re-injury) and know that the Shoulder TShellz Wrap® is highly effective in reaching all of these objectives. It is basically the best home-based soft tissue recovery tool you will find! The 1st Stage is reducing pain and swelling to open up your blood flow. This can be done by using any off the shelf cold wrap or ice pack.
Once the swelling is gone and your blood vessels are opened up, you can really start to get your recovery fast tracked by treating yourself every day with the Shoulder TShellz Wrap®.
Our Shoulder TShellz Wrap = The Perfect Circulatory Boost Delivery Tool
To Start Recovery, Healing Time must be Minimized with Effective Treatment Options
If you have a torn rotator cuff, it's very important to heal it quickly and completely. Minimizing the healing time should be an obvious goal, as a chronic rotator cuff tear will limit your ability to go about your daily routine for a long period of time.
A seemingly small, nagging injury in your shoulder that's not properly treated can lead to a chronic painful degenerative rotator cuff injury that can persist for months or even years if not properly treated.
Use a Cold Compress or Ice Pack:
- 24 to 72 hours after your initial injury or when you first notice pain and swelling in your shoulder to stop tissue damage at the microscopic level, relieve pain, and decrease swelling.
- After exercise, workouts or activity of any kind to prevent re-injury.
- Before and after surgery during rehabilitation to control pre and post-surgery pain and swelling.
- Anytime your shoulder feels tender, painful or you're having a flare-up of an old rotator cuff injury.
- Anytime you have swelling, sharp throbbing pain or inflammation.
- Any other situation where you need to draw the pain and inflammation out of your shoulder.
Stage 2: TShellz Wrap® = Accelerated Blood Flow To The Shoulder
Tendons,ligaments, cartilage, and some muscle fibres are dense tissues. As a result, they naturally receive limited blood flow and this is precisely why injuries to these tissues take so long to heal. The challenge is, how do you effectively increase blood flow to these tissues?
- Rigorous exercise is out of the question as it will lead to further injury.
- Visits to the clinic are helpful, but that only happens a few times a week.
It is through the blood the body carries the nutrients and oxygen that injured tissues rely on for recovery.. It is well known that increased blood flow helps your body accelerate the healing process.
This is why the TShellz Wrap® is such an important tool. The whole purpose of the wrap is to accelerate blood flow to soft tissue in the treatment area. The end result; you relax the blood vessels within soft tissues of the treatment area. The vessels will naturally expand and allow for more blood flow to reach the very tissues you are trying to heal. In addition, this process will help clear the area of toxins and excess fluid build up, thereby reducing inflammation.
Who Should Use the TShellz Wrap®
We recommend the use of a TShellz Wrap®:
- If you are dealing with tendonitis, then a TShellz Wrap® will provide the all-important function of boosting blood circulation in the treatment area (Localized Enhanced Circulatory Response).
- If you are dealing with conditions affecting your range of motion such as tendinosis, tenosynovitis, or even arthritis.
- If you have a chronic tendon condition that has lasted for years- this device is intended to kick start the recovery process to help strengthen the surrounding and supporting tissues. Many of our past clients had suffered for years, then were completely amazed at the results only after a few months of treatments.
- If you are still working with an injured tendon, the TShellz Wrap® will help relax injured soft tissue prior to work and after a day at the job.
- If you are still trying to enjoy your favorite activities such as gardening, hiking, or golf, etc - use the TShellz Wrap® prior to activity to help reduce chances of re-injuring or re-aggravating those targeted tissues.
- If you are suffering from tendonitis and want to treat the major source of it. Through overuse or degenerative changes, soft tissue in the affected area will tighten and constrict. The application of a TShellz Wrap® to the area is intended to relax tendons and muscles, reduce pain and inflammation. It is our position that relaxed and more flexible soft tissue will help reduce risk of further damage.
- If you are experiencing atrophy - this is a treatment we recommend to use on a regular basis, by enhancing blood flow and elongating soft tissue.
- If you have been to a clinic for some form of massage or stretching and your PT or physician has recommended conservative treatments for home.
- If you have a soft tissue injury and need surgery, then you will find the T•Shellz blood circulation boost to be a powerful tool after surgery to help surgically repaired tissues rebuild for long-term health. (once the surgery wound has healed and your physician has given the ok - 6 weeks after surgery minimum)
- If you are experiencing atrophy in the area and want to reduce the chance of re-injury while stretching - this is a perfect treatment to use every time before you stretch.
Increased Blood Circulation = Increased Healing Rate
What Else Makes the Shoulder TShellz Wrap® So Special?
We believe the TShellz Wrap® to be one of the most effective treatments to stimulate blood flow to dense, injured tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other similar tissues.
We can promise that you will receive a product that is designed to be safe and does what it is supposed to do...quickly relieve pain and aid in the recovery from tendon, muscle and other soft tissue injuries.
The unit plugs into a standard wall outlet to get its power. The nice thing about the power supply is that the same unit can be used in North America and overseas as well. It has the capability to operate between 110v and 230v. It has a special controller that can be set for 3 different power levels of application (3=High, 2=Medium, 1=Low). The cord is long so you can sit or lie comfortably and watch TV, read or surf the net while you're using it.
Treatments are max 30 minutes in duration and the device can be worn over clothing. This allows you to use the device at work, at home, or really anywhere you have access to an electrical outlet.
...A Quick Recap of Benefits That Can Be Achieved Via the TShellz Wrap®..
- We have TShellz Wraps® that can fit on the back, hip, leg, arm, shoulder, knee, plantar, toes, wrist and ankle
- It can be used before exercise to warm up the problematic joint to reduce the risk of injury (heat elongates soft tissue and makes it more flexible)
- FDA Registered medical device for use in home or clinics - high quality, 1 year warranty, 60 day trial period (100% refund guaranteed)
- Increases temporary flexibility and length of tissues (reducing the re-injury factor)
- It soothes pain and whisks away toxins
- Carbon fiber Energy Pad is strong, lightweight, and flexible - contours very easily
- A boost in blood flow helps maximize the body's ability to recover from soft tissue damage. This can be beneficial in saving time and money when associated with doctor or physio visits
- A boost in blood flow will maximize the body's ability to recover quickly. This can be beneficial in post-surgery rehabilitation, getting you back to work faster. Do not use until at least 6 weeks after surgery, and only after approval from your doctor.
When Should I Use My TShellz Wrap During the Day?
The most common question we receive from individuals prior to purchasing is - how many times a day should I be using my shoulder wraps and when should I be using them? While treatment plans will differ for each individual and their specific injury, there are general guidelines that should be adhered to.
- Use a Cold Compress or Ice Pack when you are experiencing inflammation (usually after exertion or movement of the injury area).
The Shoulder TShellz Wrap® would then be used:
- Right after rising from bed in the morning (as this is when it is most stiff)
- Prior to going to bed at night (to relax the shoulder, allowing for better sleep)
- Before you know you will be using your injured joint (going to work, driving, typing, etc).
Stage 3 - In Between Treatments With TShellz Wrap®, Apply Our New Fast Acting Pain Relief Cream Called ARNICA INFUSION
Dealing with aches and pains affecting the foot, ankle, leg, knee, hamstring, hip, back, arm, shoulder, elbow, wrist, or hand? If so, then applying the Arnica Infusion to any of these targeted areas will bring about fast relief from the pain and sore tissues. Simply apply a small amount of cream to the body and moments later, you will experience a soothing and comforting sensation over the area.
Arnica Infusion is specially designed to relieve pain due to sore muscles and joints associated with arthritis, backaches, sprains, strains, and bruises. No matter if you are dealing with an acute injury, chronic pain, or a general "flare-up" - you will experience fast relief from pain and inflammation.
This is a product that many of our current MendMeShop customers asked us to develop. So we focused our time and resources over the past few years and came up, with we believe, will be one of more effective, fast acting, topical pain relief creams on the market.
You are likely familiar with some of the standard topical agents on the market as most of our customers use them. The are mass marketed and even found in most department stores now.
Well, we are here to say that Arnica Infusion goes many steps beyond what they offer.
Made in the USA at an FDA registered manufacturing facility, you can be assured that Arnica Infusion is both safe and effective. We only source top grade ingredients while implementing strict quality control checks during every step of the production process. Expect the same high quality that MendMeShop customers have been accustomed to since we started the company in 2005.
The "Cool Blue" formula is the perfect balance between the smooth application of a cream and the effective absorbing factor of a gel. It is not too thick and not too thin - just the right texture. Best of all, it feels very nice on the skin!
Each application of Arnica Infusion feels so comforting and soothing, we are certain it will become an item you will not want to live without.
Arnica Infusion Ingredients
The Arnica Infusion formula is based on a combination of scientific research and the use of high quality ingredients. The properties within the formula were chosen for their pain relief, anti-inflammatory, and soothing qualities.
The acting ingredients within the formula include ones many of us are familiar with; along with ones that have not received a lot of publicity (only in research circles). Extensive testing resulted in a blending of ingredients that provides the most synergistic of benefits.
The notable ingredients in the Arnica Infusion formula include:
- Arnica - powerful anti-inflammatory, speeds recovery, enhances circulation
- Menthol - provides deep penetrating pain relief with a nice cooling sensation
- Vitamin B6 - promotes normal nerve function
- MSM - supports healthy connective tissues, anti-inflammatory
- Ilex Leaf Extract - increases circulation, skin conditioner
- Vitamin E - anti-inflammatory, enhances circulation, hydrates the skin
- Aloe - anti-inflammatory properties, soothes the skin
- Tea Tree - enhances penetration of ingredients
Extensive quality control procedures during the manufacturing process ensure the ingredients and final product are both safe and effective. We would not stake our reputation on anything but the best.
When Do I Apply the Arnica Infusion?
While At Work
Apply Arnica Infusion at work to help reduce acute discomfort associated with overuse of muscles and joints. No matter if you are in a physical demanding job or work within an office environment, you will be placing stress on different parts of the body and aches and pains will result.
Before Or After Work, Sports, & Activity
If you suffer from a sprained ligament, pulled muscle, strained tendon, or even bruising - apply Arnica Infusion for quick relief of the pain.
Chronic Pain Suffering
Application of Arnica Infusion can be done up to a maximum of 4 times per day on a consistent basis to help bring about relief from various pains and aches.
In-between Treatments With the TShellz Wraps®
Follow up your T-Shellz and Cold treatments with an application of Arnica Infusion. Combine the pain relieving benefits of Arnica Infusion along with the healing benefits of the wraps to make your recovery go much more smoothly.
Do not apply Arnica Infusion within a 2 hour timespan before a TShellz Wrap® treatment.
Whether you decide to use the Arnica Infusion in conjunction with the TShellz Wrap® and other treatments - or if you decide to use the cream as a stand-alone product - you will not be disappointed with the results. We guarantee it.
Post-Surgery Recovery
Doctors and Surgeons are always improving the techniques used in surgery, and results from surgery now are much more positive than they were in the past. However, all surgeries introduce scar tissue, and recovery from shoulder surgery is often disappointing and take longer than anticipated.
If you do wind up getting surgery, know that rehabilitation at-home while attending regular doctor appointments or clinic visits is vital for your overall recovery.
Consistent exercise and conservative treatment on a daily basis during your rehabilitation while working with your doctor is key. This is why you should seriously consider maximizing your recovery by using the TShellz Wrap® at home once you are approved for PT.
The more consistent you work at enhancing blood flow to surgically repaired soft tissue, the more consistent the healing process will be. Nourishing the tissues will more oxygen and nutrients (which are carried through the blood stream) will give the body a better ability to produce new, healthy collagen. In effect, you will help the body produce stronger tissues while potentially reducing the number of setbacks that can occur following surgical procedures.
Click HERE to Go To Our Online Store We take all major credit cards and Paypal. If you have questions, call our office at 1-866-237-9608 (toll free continental US). We are currently offering FREE SHIPPING and a 60 day trial period on all our Wraps.
Conservative Treatment Tools Our Clients Have Used to Help Limit Damage & Boost The Body's Soft Tissue Repair Process at Home:
- A Cold Compress or Ice Pack to reduce inflammation of the soft tissue injury (as soon as possible).
- A TShellz Wrap to increase blood-flow to the treatment area.
- MendMeShop Arnica Pain Cream for temporary relief of pain due to sore muscles and joints.
- An Exercise & Stretching Plan to prevent muscle atrophy and shortened tendons. A proper plan will increase elasticity and strengthen the muscles and tendons in the area.
Conservative treatment tools just like these have been used successfully by thousands of tendon injury sufferers - just like you.

TShellz Wrap® = Enhanced Blood Flow in the Treatment Area
We believe the use of TShellz Wraps® for boosting blood flow to soft tissue in the area of application is one of the most under-utilized home treatment options available on the market today. We have client after client that have tried many options out there and have been amazed at how effective and fast the TShellz Wrap treatment can relieve pain and increase blood flow in soft tissue.
With regular use of the TShellz Wrap:
- Your pain will be reduced.
- Due to increased blood flow, soft tissue in the treatment area will be expected to recover at an accelerated rate with reduced potential for re-injury.
- Tissue in the treated area should experience a larger range of motion and increased extensibility of collagen tissue due to the heat effect on soft tissue. This should translate into a reduced rate of re-injury occurrence as soft tissue is known to lengthen and become more flexible when exposed to warm temperature. (Chapter 9 of "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition.
( link - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin)
We Receive Calls All The Time From Customers Who Simply Want To Thank Us For Introducing Them To Our Amazing Products!
Let me tell you, we appreciate all the feedback we have received over the years. We have had many medical professionals, athletes and everyday people call and write to tell us about their positive experiences with our devices and the company in general. It never gets old hearing about the successes and it provides us with the motivation to continue doing what we do best - provide individuals with options to heal from the comfort of their own home.
Below is a small sample of some of the Customer Service comments we have received from customers...
The Best Service by Far!
The service from the Mend Me Shop is by far the best you could ever hope for. I have spoken to Paul on numerous occasions and his knowledge is very much appreciated.
Do not hesitate to order from this company. Their products are made well and work. Their customer service is the best you could ever hope for.
Charlie, North Carolina, USA
I have called the office and received helpful guidance. Really appreciate the help and so glad I found your products!
D. McBride, USA
I really appreciate y'all emailing and responding. I'm in business myself so I know the importance of customer service. Your company has done a superb job and it's really appreciated. I know it takes a lot of time but it's very well worth the time you spend.
C. Vickers, USA
Thank you, too, for the personal attention to your customers. A rarity, in today's world!
L. Anderson, USA
You guys are tremendous. I was overwhelmed by your speed and thoroughness regarding my problem.
T. Kienlen, USA
Thanks again for your wonderful products and support.
J. Sese, USA
The fact that you guys are there for us every step of the way matters as well. Your company is wonderful and that's a rarity these days.
M. Callahan, USA
The cost seemed minimal compared to what I had already spent at the doctor and physical therapist.
P. King, USA
Thank You so much superior service as well as unprecedented guarantee.
D. Hunzicker, USA
If you're tired of being told that resting, drugs and surgery are the only answers to your elbow injury.... Be optimistic, because there are effective alternatives for you.
The Reasons For Our High Success Rate - Our Customers!
We will never claim our products will work for everyone. That is simply impossible to achieve. Everyone has a different capacity for recovery and different circumstances behind their injuries and/or conditions.
In addition, some people may have a hard time sticking with recommended protocol in order to achieve benefits from our devices. Quite simply, our clients that have had successful outcomes have made a small effort to invest 60 minutes a day into the program. If you do the same, chances are you will be very happy with the outcome. The fact that our very low return rate speaks volumes as to the confidence we have that our products will be effective for you! I mean with a full 60 day money back guarantee on our wraps, there really is no risk in trying.
Right after you place an order, email us and we will have a plan developed immediately so you will be able to get started upon arrival of your parcel. We can't promise you miraculous results, however, we do promise to do everything we can to help you with your condition.
Everything you have read up to now has hopefully given you some hope.
However, words are meaningless unless a company stands strongly behind the products they sell. This is what sets us apart from others...we offer people a comprehensive, 60 day, full 100% money back guarantee. We take on all of the risk because we know our products work well for the overwhelming majority of people who purchase them.
We Will Support You Every Step of the Way
You are never alone when making a purchase from us. When we say we stand behind our products, we truly mean it!
If any question or concern arises, simply send us an email at any time (we check our emails constantly all throughout the day and night - even on holidays!). We will respond as soon as possible.
Click HERE to Go To Our Online Store We take all major credit cards and Paypal. If you are on your mobile phone, Click to Call Our Office (toll free continental NA). Simply call toll free
1-866-237-9608 to place an order with one of our knowledgeable Product Advisers. They have the ability to answer all your questions...ensuring you only receive the products you need.
Product Advisors are available 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday to Friday. North America Toll Free
Outside North America
We Stand Behind All Our Promises With An Iron-Clad Guarantee
Guarantee #1
Use your products diligently for up to 60 days and you will experience a significant reduction in pain. If not, I encourage you call us to send back the items for a 100% refund.
Guarantee #2
You will not be left in the dark after purchasing any product from us. AidYourTendon Advisors and Product Specialists are available 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday to Friday.
Guarantee #3
Your order is guaranteed to be shipped within 24 hours on every business day.
Guarantee #4
All purchases receive a one year, full replacement warranty with guaranteed, prompt service.
Guarantee #5
You could save hundreds of dollars and possibly more, by getting back to work sooner.
We Can Get You Started For Less Than The Cost Of A Few PT Treatments
Overall, we are able to be cost effective and value oriented due to two major reasons:
- Word is spreading and as a result, our sales are increasing. With this increase, we can achieve economies of scale...meaning we receive the best component pricing because our volume is high.
- We keep our overhead costs low by selling only on-line versus setting up costly distribution channels offline.
Think about it – you can now have the ability to treat your pain from the comfort of your own home while saving money in the process.
Best of all, you are fully protected when making a purchase from us as we offer a 60 day, full money back guarantee.
The Next Step Is Up To You!
Living with pain is never easy as it affects your entire lifestyle. Nothing is more important than making the proper decision when it comes to treating your muscle injury. Most methods only mask the problems or provide temporary relief; they do not treat the pain at its source.
AidYourTendon stands out in this regard as our goal is to help you heal for the longer-term.
The bottom line is, you are welcome to try our products for a full 2 months. If you do not receive the benefits that others have experienced, call us to let us know you will return your purchase back to us and we will issue a prompt & full refund. There will be no hard feelings.
The fastest option you have to get our product into your hands as soon as possible is by placing your order online - at this very moment..
Place your order on-line through our ultra-secure website by clicking the image below:

Or, Call Our Office. We are open Monday to Friday to allow you place an order over the phone. Simply call toll free 1-866-237-9608 to place an order with one of our knowledgeable Product Advisors. They have the ability to answer all your questions...ensuring you only receive the products you need.
North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608 Outside North America +1-705-532-1671
If you choose to order through our online shop, know that we keep no credit card data on file. Once the transaction is completed, the credit information disappears from our internal systems.
As you can see, ordering from us is a very easy and safe process, no matter if choosing to order on-line or over the phone.
Are you still unsure about placing an order? let me address some questions that may causing some hesitation...
What is the success rate of the TShellz Wraps®? Do they really work?
We try and keep in touch with a large percentage of our customers, and we encourage them to do the same. In doing so, we have received a lot of feedback as we have been in the business since 2008.
We can say that the return rate on our products is only around 5 to 10% any given month. That is exceptional by anyone's standards.
Therefore, we can safely indicate that the overwhelming majority of people who purchase from us do achieve benefits with our products.
How much time do I need to dedicate for treatments? Are the products easy to use?
The TShellz Wraps® are very easy devices to use. After one or two uses, you will engage in the treatments with ease. Very detailed instructions are included and you are always welcome to contact us by phone or email if the need for help arises.
In regards to the TShellz Wrap®, it is ideal to use the device two or three times a day on average. Each treatment session is a maximum of 20 minutes in duration and the device will turn off automatically at that time. Typically, people use the TShellz Wrap® before bed, upon awakening (or not long after) and one other time during the day when the opportunity presents itself. For people in an office setting, many will use the device at work (as it can be worn over clothing). For others, they will use the device an our or two after work.
A Cold Compress or Ice Pack is primarily used following activity that stresses the injured tissues (following work, after a sports activity, or just suffering a general re-injury). This is done to reduce inflammation and to minimize tissue damage. Treatments are 15 to 20 minutes in duration.
How long has MendMeShop been in business
We established our firm in December of 2005. Our track record in this field continues to grow and we plan on being around for many decades to come.
What is your return policy? Is it the standard 30 days?
We go above and beyond what other companies offer - we offer a full 60 day money back guarantee with no restocking fees.

We recommend that you consult your doctor and/or physiotherapist before using any of our outstanding products, to make sure they're right for you and your condition.
During your recovery, you may have to modify and/or eliminate any activities that cause pain or discomfort in your rotator cuff area until your pain and inflammation settle, and you gain more mobility and strength in your shoulder. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results!
Click HERE to Go To Our Online Store We take all major credit cards and Paypal. If you have questions, call our office at 1-866-237-9608 (toll free continental US). We are currently offering FREE SHIPPING and a 60 day trial period on all our Wraps.
Product Advisors are available 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday to Friday.
Learn More About Tendon Injuries & TreatmentsI want to learn more about Post-Surgery Recovery I want to learn more about TShellz Wrap® Circulatory Boost I want to learn more about Ice & Heat: Which Is Better For Treatment? I want to learn more about Tendonitis Treatments I want to learn more about Tendonitis Surgery
During your recovery, you will probably have to modify and/or eliminate any activities that cause pain or discomfort at the location of your soft tissue injury until the pain and inflammation settle. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results!